
5 Tips to Clean and Speed up Your Computer

5 Tips to Clean and Speed up Your Computer

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Welcome to the Brosecure 360, This article is going to describe how to Clean and Speed up Your Computer. When you buy a new computer, one thing you will its speed is really impressive. The start-up is fast as so is the restart, apps load without any delay and your storage shows up a lot of space. After some time, this same computer is now slow. The start-up takes a lot of time, the application load slowly. The Application starts freezing or crashing. Even doing small stuff like saving the work or deleting the work takes a lot of time. The storage that had a lot of space has been filled up and to its full limit. To improve the condition of your computer, here are 5 easy ways or tips to clean and Speed up your computer.

Tip 1:- Removing the existing caches

clean and Speed up your computer

As a user, you keep on constantly wandering from one application to another.  The CPU of your computer has to go through several mandatory practices to open the application. These practices consist of a lot of tasks. This can put a lot of pressure on your C.P.U. and takes a lot of time. This is the reason why computer creates caches.

Caches are easily accessible and faster. These are created when you use a program repetitively. Caches have many advantages, but one of their disadvantages is that over a period of time, it takes up a lot of space in your device. The fuller the device storage is, the slower your computer would run, and its battery life also becomes shorter. Thus, removing cache is an optimum option.

Tip 2:- Defragmentation

Initially, when you add an item to a hard drive, it stores it in sequential order. But when you keep using it continuously by adding and deleting files, two things happen. One is your hard drive gets filled, and the second is the sequence breaks, and the data stored becomes a clear mess when a heavy application requiring a lot of space is installed. Due to this mess, the Hard Drive has to over-work to complete certain tasks regarding these data, which makes it slower

Defragmentation is a process of rearranging these data files in proper sequential order. It can be easily done by applications already provided on your Windows[1] Computer.

Tip 3:- Stop Applications from opening on start-up

Once you turn on your computer, a lot of applications start-ups start running in the background. This application can use a lot of R.A.M, decreasing the speed of your computer. There’s a setting in your Windows Computer through which you can prevent these applications from doing so. This benefits your R.A.M and thus, can be an easy way to speed up your computer.

Tip 4:- Delete all the Unwanted Application

Initially, Computer provides a lot of space which many users fail to utilize properly, and store a lot of files and applications. Until the user realizes this, the storage is almost full and these applications have taken a lot of space even within the R.A.M, and thus the speed of your computer is slowed down. The only solution for this is deleting all the unwanted applications.

The list of these applications will be available in the Programs section of your control panel. Uninstalling the unwanted one from here will be an easy way to clean your computer.

Tip 5:- Check for a malware

As there are many reasons for the computer to work slow, one reason can be that malware has entered into your device. No matter what form it may be, its primary way of working is multiplying itself and making changes in your device. To do this, it uses your own computer’s memory. This will eventually slow down your computer. Thus, scanning for malware and destroying it, is important for the health of your device and your safety. And it can be the most essential way from the 5 ways or tips to clean and speed up your computer.

BroSecure 360 the only solution – Clean and Speed up Your Computer

The above process is time-consuming and for problems like malware, it will rather be impossible to solve on your own without eradicating all the data of your computer. You would rather need software to remove it from your computer without doing any damage to your data.

The benefit of having software that does all the above given five solutions and many more together is that it saves your time and the effort required in doing this process.  

BroSecure 360 | Best Free PC Cleaner and Booster Software are one of the best ways to Clean and Speed up Your Computer, as it will do all the work – right from cleaning the space, eradicating the malware, as well as boosting the speed, all on its own. All you need to do is install the software from the above link to enjoy these benefits. After doing so, there is no need to worry about the computer being slow or the storage gets filled up, time to time. So, get the software quickly and increase the life of your computer while enjoying the best results in its overall functioning. 

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